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You don't play with plastic!


Selección oficial Festiver
Selección oficial Moody Crab Film Fest
Selección oficial Altrimondi Film Festival



Tomás lives alone, only accompanied by his two friends Ronie and Rocco, two goldfish with whom he shares a fish tank without knowing it.

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Data sheet

Director: José Luis López

Producer: Alejandro López

Art director:Esteve Gimeno

Director of photography: José Luis López

Screenwriter: José Luis López

Production: Punto y Aparte Films

Make-up: Zulema Parraga

Category: Fantastic, Fiction

Genre: Fantasy, Thriller, Catastrophic

Theme: Environmental, Ecological

Cast: Blas Caballero

Music: Ines Miras


It is no secret to anyone that plastic, the industry's preferred material for the last century, it has become a big problem for the environment.

A recent investigation “Plastic and Health. The Hidden Cost of a Plastic Planet” alerts us to the great impact plastic has on our health throughout its entire life cycle.

These circumstances and reflection on the problem are the starting point. A commission from the City Council of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona). A city especially concerned about environmental health her environment and determined to become a leading agent of change in trend.

Plástico Asfixia
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Blas Caballero Asfixia


Tomás is a 57-year-old insurance agent who is being hit hard by the economic crisis.  He currently lives alone, accompanied only by Ronie and Rocco, two colorful exotic fish that give him the necessary peace of mind when come back home

Selections and awards at festivals

Babul Eco Film Festival
Altrimondi Film Festival
Moody Crab Film Festival
Festiver Film Fest
Phoenix Short Film Festival
Scianema Festival


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